Welcome to The godweightloss.blogspot.com list of weight loss tips. The purpose here isn't to just give you a big list of tips, but to also help you separate the useful tips from the useless ones.
I consider a weight loss tip to be anything that could in any way be helpful to a person looking to lose weight. It could have something to do with your diet plan or workout program, or maybe just the mental aspect of weight loss such as staying motivated and sticking to your diet. It could just be some way of improving your lifestyle so that it becomes more ideal for losing weight.
Really, any piece of information that could positively benefit someone trying to lose weight will be included on this list. Also, along with each weight loss tip will be sort of a "tip review." By that I mean I will include my own common sense opinion of the usefulness of that tip. You're welcome to disagree with this opinion of course, however in most cases you'll probably be thinking the exact same thing.
This list of weight loss tips will be updated on an ongoing basis, by the way. So, whenever something new pops into my head or somehow comes to my attention, I'll be sure to add it to this list.
Tip rating program:
1 - Would probably be useful to everyone, and I myself do it.
2 - Could be useful to some people.
3 - Useless, or stupid, or unsafe, or any combination of the three.
1 - Would probably be useful to everyone, and I myself do it.
2 - Could be useful to some people.
3 - Useless, or stupid, or unsafe, or any combination of the three.