Paraben Free Skin Care Products

Free Skin Care Products
By Nelda Powers

These days it's not difficult to find paraben free skin care products. Although most conventional body care contains these chemicals as preservatives, even mainstream manufacturers are responding to new safety concerns by eliminating this class of chemicals from their ingredients. Many consumers don't know what parabens are and have no idea why they might want to avoid them. The safety or danger of using this class of chemical compound is a subject for much debate today.

There are naturally occurring parabens, in blueberries for instance. However, the ones found in mainstream cosmetics and pharmaceuticals are synthesized in laboratories. They are compounds that contain alcohols and have bacteria and fungus killing effects. They are inexpensive and effective ingredients that have been used for decades with no obvious health concerns. However, new research revealed traces of these chemicals in cancer tumors.

There is now a spirited debate on the health risk, if any, posed by these chemicals. There are naturally-occurring parabens, as well; for example, they are found in blueberries, supposedly one of the healthiest of foods. However, it is the man-made chemicals that are under scrutiny at the present time.

Some think that, while a tiny amount might be acceptable, the use of the preservatives in so many things used daily causes a toxic overload. Parabens are used in shaving gels, shampoos, soaps, moisturizers, sunscreen, nail polish, makeup, and processed foods. They are often high on the list of ingredients, meaning that there is more than a trace amount in the formula.

Check the ingredients of things you use. If there is a compound with ethyl, propyl, methyl, butyl, or heptyl in the name, you'll know that the product contains chemical parabens. There are other forms of these preserving alcohols, as well. It's also true that chemicals substituted for parabens may not be any safer, or they may be worse.

The discovery of chemical parabens in breast cancer tumors has caused many to question their safety. Manufacturers point to the fact that they have been used as preservatives for decades without discernible ill effects, while others cite more and more evidence that they might disrupt normal hormone levels in women, being weak estrogen mimics, and cause reproductive health problems like low testosterone and sperm production in men.

Substitutes for these chemicals may not be any safer, so 'paraben-free' on the label should not give a false sense of security. Natural cosmetic and body product lines use vitamins, like E, or herbals, like rosemary oil, as preservatives. Grape seed extract, tea tree oil, and grapefruit seed extract are other things you might see on an ingredients list for a more natural cosmetic or lotion.

Many people prefer to err on the side of safety by choosing paraben free skin care products. It is still important to know what is in the products you put on your skin, which readily absorbs many natural and synthetic substances.

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